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Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2011

Auf nem andern Blog gefunden und gedacht ich mach mal mit ;)

A song that makes you hopeful: Jupiter Jones - Auf das Leben
A song that reminds you of a special summer: Owl City - Fireflies
A song reminds you of your first love: Lordi - Evil Love
A song that reminds you of a formerfriend: Secondhand Serenade -  It´s not over
A song that has made you cry: Unheilig - An deiner Seite
A song you love but rarely listen to: 30 seconds to mars -  This is war
Your favourite song (at the moment): Avril Lavigne - Darlin´; Swedish House Mafia - Save the world tonight
A song that means a lot of you: Unheilig - Geboren um zu Leben

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